October 27, 2010


I told myself to just go to bed, but...

October 16, 2010

Musical contradiction no. 2

I continue where I left xD

I looooooove Unsraw atm and Rai send this to me, -OZ-, not easy to decide what I want to listen to....

Unsraw and -OZ- are a bit similar, more for hard-music-lovers...or so ^^
No contradiction...

Maybe you know (or not), I have to write a ten pages paper/report for my history class.
I can't write while listening to Unsraw, makes me to hyper. So what should I do?

Of course change to music I can work with, because it doesn't work without music ^^
And what's the music I can work with best? Yeah... An Cafe... (<-- theeeere is the contradiction ;P)

Worked with my Abitur, so I hope it will work with this crappy...with my paper/report thing.

Sorry for beeing so boring, look at all my posting times, it's 3am -.-
I hope I will be funny again when I'm done with my studies this.

Love, Merry.

October 11, 2010

Musical contradiction

Todays musical contradiction example:

Kaya - Aux Champs-Elysée and UnsraW - Starving Moon

I kept switching between those two songs for the last one and a half, almost two hours...

Listen to them, both songs are great :D

Picspaaaaam xD

My beautiful Kaya

My ultimate WAA (weapon-against-agression) UnsraW

In their current formation (since february 2010)


Love, Merry-nyan (<- I had to to this xD)

no ps. today...

October 9, 2010

Slightly disturbing...

...slogan of the day xD

No, that's not the point...
I promised you a slightly disturbing post.
Aioli (haha, funny calling him like that, but I rather don't use real names here) sent them to me a while ago and they are really worth sharing...





Yeah... just wanted to post that xD

Love, Merry

ps. Platonic Bitch of UnsraW just replaced Garnet of D'espairsRay as my aggression-decreasing-song number one ;)

now playing: UnsraW - Starving Moon

October 8, 2010

It's getting worse..

Merry and blogging I mean...


But to defend myself, my head is full with stuff. Complicated stuff. And I don't like comlicated stuff related to my life and future -.-

I would rather like to spend my days with ducks.
No really, they are cool.
So cute and ...ducky.

Gotta write a post about ducks... soon.

But for now...Help me!!!


or purple


I know, it's totally random...but, hey! I'm thinking about this since late august xD

Please comment!!!

Next post(s): my beloved, something disturbing and a surprise (don't know what the surprise is gonna be, but surprise always sounds good).

That's it for now.

Love, Merry

Hugs and kisses to Aliata, Ninja-cat and my second lil' sister <3