December 28, 2010

Work makes me creative...

...or desperate.

No one wants to buy cupcakes! I mean I did ok today, but there were better times...
And what do I do when no customer is around?
Ok, besides playing Pokémon or Style Boutique (Falk, you're so gonna be my bitch...) on my Nintendo DS...

Drawing crappy portraits!!!
And no, they are really not that good, there are a lot of anatomical mistakes...

From the 24th (yes, I was working that day...):

Nastuki from -Oz- (he looks like Asagi (from D) on this pic...)

My Yuuki, eh... Unsraw's vocalist Yuuki (I'm not really good with a ballpen...)

And from today:

Histugi from Nighmare with a too long nose...

Hakuei from The Legendary Six Nine (or rather Penicillin, but this pic is from LSN)
I like the face, but I failed at his throat...

Be happy, this may be the only post of my drawings ^_^

Anyway... take care.



Now playing: -Oz- - Detox

I wish you a happy Merry Christmas!

Titel says it all...

After a long time, this year I had a kind of a "Christmas-feeling" again. Like when I was a child...
I'm really a Christmas-fan, I love this time of the year...


This year I almost started hating Christmas. Thanks to Mr. Murphy and his big, white bearded friend... or so. This is not funny, guys -.-
I missed every bus, train, somewhat and everytime I was in a good mood it lasted until... ah, about noon I guess. But anyway!

December had some good sides.

I have a new obsession

Lupo Label!!!   (especially ♀Yooh♂)

And I found out that -Oz- are pretty awesome! Now I'm even more excited for the concert in january.
All about music again, hu?
Music is what keeps my world going, after all ^w^

so desu ne...

Winter in Hamburg :)

And better late than never:

I wish you a happy "Merry" Christmas!!!

--> Please insert Merry pic here, 'cause I'm too lazy to search one xD <--



December 2, 2010

Second one for today xD

Yeah, me again...

I have to catch up with the last weeks ;)

...unfortunatetly I forgot what happened, because of

---------> UNSRAW <---------

I went to their show in Berlin, novembre 23rd, second time for me this year.
Maybe you can tell, but I LOVE THEM!!! xD
No, really...great band, great music, great show... second Yuuki-bottle for me xD
This time I didn't catch it, I grabbed it out of his hand. Pure self protection ;)

The opening band, Lord of the Lost from Hamburg, was actually pretty good. They did a Lady Gaga cover xD

Berlin summary: japanese crèpes...Dunkin Donots...Aliata...Ninja <3

I was a really bad girl yesterday...
haha, you'll have to wait (me needs pics...).

Love, Merry.

now playing: UnsraW - Guilty

Ps. YUUKI!!! *___*

November 6, 2010


I know, Halloween was some time ago... *cough*


So, here are some pics of my Halloween,
taken at HappaKappy, a cupcake shop in Hamburg.
This shop is really awesome! It's soooo yummy and there are some Lolita girls working there ;)

Rai and Eddy <3

The Halloween-decoration

Pumpkins (I made the Hello Kitty one :D)

 Some Cupcakes in Halloween-design...

and some more ^^

Soooo, I hope you had a nice Halloween too.

Love, Merry.

Ps. customer-sentence of the day: "Sorry, do you sell eggs?"
to the slightly confused young man: I'm sorry we don't. We use eggs for the cupcakes though...

October 27, 2010


I told myself to just go to bed, but...

October 16, 2010

Musical contradiction no. 2

I continue where I left xD

I looooooove Unsraw atm and Rai send this to me, -OZ-, not easy to decide what I want to listen to....

Unsraw and -OZ- are a bit similar, more for hard-music-lovers...or so ^^
No contradiction...

Maybe you know (or not), I have to write a ten pages paper/report for my history class.
I can't write while listening to Unsraw, makes me to hyper. So what should I do?

Of course change to music I can work with, because it doesn't work without music ^^
And what's the music I can work with best? Yeah... An Cafe... (<-- theeeere is the contradiction ;P)

Worked with my Abitur, so I hope it will work with this crappy...with my paper/report thing.

Sorry for beeing so boring, look at all my posting times, it's 3am -.-
I hope I will be funny again when I'm done with my studies this.

Love, Merry.

October 11, 2010

Musical contradiction

Todays musical contradiction example:

Kaya - Aux Champs-Elysée and UnsraW - Starving Moon

I kept switching between those two songs for the last one and a half, almost two hours...

Listen to them, both songs are great :D

Picspaaaaam xD

My beautiful Kaya

My ultimate WAA (weapon-against-agression) UnsraW

In their current formation (since february 2010)


Love, Merry-nyan (<- I had to to this xD)

no ps. today...

October 9, 2010

Slightly disturbing...

...slogan of the day xD

No, that's not the point...
I promised you a slightly disturbing post.
Aioli (haha, funny calling him like that, but I rather don't use real names here) sent them to me a while ago and they are really worth sharing...





Yeah... just wanted to post that xD

Love, Merry

ps. Platonic Bitch of UnsraW just replaced Garnet of D'espairsRay as my aggression-decreasing-song number one ;)

now playing: UnsraW - Starving Moon

October 8, 2010

It's getting worse..

Merry and blogging I mean...


But to defend myself, my head is full with stuff. Complicated stuff. And I don't like comlicated stuff related to my life and future -.-

I would rather like to spend my days with ducks.
No really, they are cool.
So cute and ...ducky.

Gotta write a post about ducks... soon.

But for now...Help me!!!


or purple


I know, it's totally random...but, hey! I'm thinking about this since late august xD

Please comment!!!

Next post(s): my beloved, something disturbing and a surprise (don't know what the surprise is gonna be, but surprise always sounds good).

That's it for now.

Love, Merry

Hugs and kisses to Aliata, Ninja-cat and my second lil' sister <3

September 14, 2010

Gnaaaa, here we go...

I'm already starting to become a bad blogger...

But I'm not lazy, ok... I am but I'm also busy...

BUT exams are over now!!! YAY!!! xD
So now there is "just" the other stuff I have to finisch before the new semester...

What else?
Rai's birthday was on friday and Miyavis birthday is today, so Happy Birthday to both of you <3

I don't know what else, so... take care :)

Love, Merry

p.s. All eventual similarities of the blog entry-titel with the titel of a certain blog of a certain japanese ...model are by pure chance and unmeant. Just noticed it. Ne, Hik....Hiroki? <3

September 1, 2010

It's brightening up...

Neighter the weather nor my current mood, but my head :D

I spent most of my day in the bathroom (@Rai, bathroom xD) instead of studying for my exam tomorrow.
I doubt the bleach vapors (<- don't know if it's the right word, but it sounds mean...) are going to help me on my exam, but I think I'll be pretty funny tomorrow xD

You wanna see? Here you go...
This is what I call blond :D (with a rosy touch)

I took this picture around 8 pm, my hair looks much different now (11 pm) ^_^

Hope you have fun with your hair too xD

Love, Merry <3

ps. Do you can see the big fail of Luna Sea's upcoming "world"-tour?
there's something strange with that... something doesn't fit... xD

now playing: BIG BANG - Beautiful Hangover

August 31, 2010

Today is strange...

...and the last few days too.
..and the next few days probably will be too.

Is it up to the fullmoon? Or the upcoming exams?
I don't know, it's just strange...

I just try to keep my more or less good mood :D

Dear JRockers...what's going on?!


Dear JRockers, what's going on?!
I'm not as informed as I was a few years ago, 'cause I'm not stalking around all day anymore, so I'm almost always late with information but I'm kinda (more really) shocked right now...
I know you're doing a hard job, having a musician in my own family I know it first hand.
But lately it's scary what's happening...

There are so many young musicians dying in the last months/last few years.

That's not only sad, it's also a pity, 'cause we really love you guys and want to have you around much longer!
So please, take good care of yourself!

And to all the new angels up there, we miss you but anyway I hope you have fun wherever you are <3

*sigh* back to work...

Love, Merry

August 28, 2010

Special Merry's first special post...or something like that

Er...hi :)
I'm Merry. If you're reading this blog I guess you know that xD

(If not. Hi, I'm Merry. Nice to meet you :D)

Most of my friends have a blog (or two, or three...), so I decided to follow their example. No, really... I have the habit of talking, more babbling, most of the time.
So please don't expect me to write smart, intellectual things. It's gonna be more like nonesense, a bit fashion, music, merry-life or so...

First post is not easy xD

If you're new to the Merry-world (or not), a few facts about me:

Special name: Merry
Special studies: fashion design
Special hobby: playing Bass *yeah* (I'm so bad xD)
Special animals: ducks *woof*
Special hobby no.2: Kamen Rider
Special interest: Manga
Special hobby no.3: concerts
Special music: JRock

Oh, whatever. If you want to know, just ask :D

I'll think of a better theme for the next post ^_^

Love, Merry <3

ps. comment! xD
And I know the design is crappy, I'm working on it :)

I've got fishies!!!

now playing: Shazna - Sweet Heart Memory