September 14, 2010

Gnaaaa, here we go...

I'm already starting to become a bad blogger...

But I'm not lazy, ok... I am but I'm also busy...

BUT exams are over now!!! YAY!!! xD
So now there is "just" the other stuff I have to finisch before the new semester...

What else?
Rai's birthday was on friday and Miyavis birthday is today, so Happy Birthday to both of you <3

I don't know what else, so... take care :)

Love, Merry

p.s. All eventual similarities of the blog entry-titel with the titel of a certain blog of a certain japanese ...model are by pure chance and unmeant. Just noticed it. Ne, Hik....Hiroki? <3

September 1, 2010

It's brightening up...

Neighter the weather nor my current mood, but my head :D

I spent most of my day in the bathroom (@Rai, bathroom xD) instead of studying for my exam tomorrow.
I doubt the bleach vapors (<- don't know if it's the right word, but it sounds mean...) are going to help me on my exam, but I think I'll be pretty funny tomorrow xD

You wanna see? Here you go...
This is what I call blond :D (with a rosy touch)

I took this picture around 8 pm, my hair looks much different now (11 pm) ^_^

Hope you have fun with your hair too xD

Love, Merry <3

ps. Do you can see the big fail of Luna Sea's upcoming "world"-tour?
there's something strange with that... something doesn't fit... xD

now playing: BIG BANG - Beautiful Hangover